The kick-off meeting we called “minga de pensamiento”, collective thinking, marks the beginning of a conversation between the Inga community and potential academic partners with the determined goal of creating a multi-epistemic institution of higher education. It is the first opportunity for all parties to meet, to get to know each other’s perspectives, and to strengthen the collaborative “tejido”, the fabric. Participants are members from the Inga community, including the political leader and the rectors of the bilingual Inga high schools, as well as taitas from other indigenous communities sharing the territory (Cofán, Kamentsá, Quillasinga), academics from several Colombian Universities, the Humboldt Institute of Colombia, ETH Zurich, McGill University, and UNESCO. The archive compiles all lectures, group work, plenary sessions, walks and shamanic ceremonies taking place during the 4-day Mocoa Meetings held at ASOMI, October 13-16, 2019.
ASOMI, the Association of Indigenous Women Healers, Mocoa, Putumayo.
Group portrait
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